Friday, September 17, 2010

blog #8

         The term Rolly Poly means playful and lively. But rolly poly is often seen in a positive perspective. It can be often referred to as a compliment and should be taken as a term of endearment. Rolly poly should make one feel as if they are cute and adorable.

            Adorable, a better eupharism, rolly poly. Rolly poly can often strike as tiny and vivacious, which appeals to one in a affectionate way. The term makes a person feel as if they are almost child like. It gives them a sense of youthhood and the past. Rolly Poly also can mean precious or fragile, since actual rolly polies are usually tiny and fragile compared to us humans which are giants that can annihilate the poor little bug.

              So in reality the word rolly poly should be taken as a compliment, and with that it should be embraced for what it beholds. A rolly poly is a sweet eupharism for cute and adorable which should give someone a sense of happiness. So overall a Rolly poly means more than wihat it seems.

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