Friday, September 3, 2010

blog #5

Why does the box men so content with his choice of solitude yet the two women are depresssed ith their foced solitude?  The box man feel scontent with his choice of solitude  because he knows that being llonely makes himself. There is no one to judge him for who or what he is, and that makes him content and free to do with whatever he feels like doing.The women however are fortced into solitude because society rejects them for their old age and uselessness. They have no purpose in society, they have been used up and thrown back out into the world with a negative perspective and no one to fall back on, forcing them into solidity. Yet they have no desire to connect or communicate with others, fearing they will be rejected the same ay as they were befoe unlike the boxman who doesnt want any association because thats what makes him complete.

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