Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The internet is a nemises for society. Today with social networking sites like Facebook and Myspace, people often feel the need to vent themselves out to the public, so everyone knows the persons inner emotions, especially when it comes to celebrities. If a celebrity even says one thing online then paparazzi is all over them. The internet hides nothing. Once something is posted, anyone can obtain it. The internet can and does release anything put on it. So the internet is indeed a nemises for our society and always will be.

Blog #14

Neither should be choosen in public schools. Usually when told or taught to do anything by an authority figure, students usually go ahead and decide to rebell. So why would we waste our teachers time when kids today usually develop values and ethics on their own terms.

Blog #13

In my opinion, a good fil often keeps me entertained, makes sense, has a suprise ending. One example such as "Then Uninvited", where the young girl doesnt realize that she has killed her stepmother at the end and that her sister is actually deceased. I usually catagorize movies by how they keep me entertained, whether its by a impossible romance or a mystery, it all just depends on the movie.

Blog #12

Self Check
4.I tried to cover too many things.
5.I used specific details from the essay and fully explained.

1.The amount of writing in the overall essay.
2.  The overall flow of the essay wasn`t consitent and my comprehension of the prompt.
3. I would add a better thesis and overall flow and tone of the essay along with a check for common mistakes.
4.Yes, everything went according to how I pictured it to be.
5.A better understanding of what the author truly meant to say.
6.Check over the finished essay, reread the prompt and improve the quality of my writing.

Blog #11

Culminating Writers Profile
1.My writing style lacks a certain sense of flow and balance. But as the class began and blogs were assigned, my expectations began to change. I expected my writing to flow or at least make some sort of sense, also less "to be" verbs used in my writing, and so much more.

2. In my own writing, one strength that my explanations are specific. As I write any kind of piece, I always make sure that my reader underestands my train of thought so specific explanation is always used in my writing.

3.I have many weakneses when it comes to writing. One thing especially is my diction. My choice of words often sound vague and dull but the more I continue to write, I try to widen my vocabulary. Also the flow of my essays isn`t usually good. But I continue to have my peers read and evaluate my writing to improve my overall flow.

Evaluating Your Writing Process
1.I would definately read the passage in a more analytical way. Also the overall purpose of the essay would completely change along with the evidence given.

2.The flow and evidence were the easiest things to change.

3. Just revising the overall tone of the essay seemed challenging but I got through it

1.The purpose of the esssay and tone of the essay

2.I used alot of the writing elements discussed during the class periods.

3.My essay was easy to understand and the reader knows exactly what the purpose of the essay is.

Being Honest with Self
1. I was intimidated by the limit of "to be" verbs allowed and the length of the essay. To replace the "to be" verbs, I often needed to completely change sentences and for the length, I often would go and find more evidence to support my theory.

2.All the methods and ideas discussed encouraged me but more than anything happened to be parallel structure.

3.The other essays taught me not to be vague in my writing and to choose an essay topic that would be interesting.

4.Not to be too vague, oblivious, or dull when it came to discussing my topic.

5.I know what needs to be   improved and what needs to remain the same in my writing.

Evaluating Your Successes

Friday, September 17, 2010

blog # 10

       Nobodiness is a feeling of being ostracized or a pariah in your own enviornment. For example, a person may feel like a nobody if they don`t fit into their own school if they act or seem different than the other children. And when the person is teased for being different they begin to feel like they don`t belong which makes them feel like a nobody.

blog #8

         The term Rolly Poly means playful and lively. But rolly poly is often seen in a positive perspective. It can be often referred to as a compliment and should be taken as a term of endearment. Rolly poly should make one feel as if they are cute and adorable.

            Adorable, a better eupharism, rolly poly. Rolly poly can often strike as tiny and vivacious, which appeals to one in a affectionate way. The term makes a person feel as if they are almost child like. It gives them a sense of youthhood and the past. Rolly Poly also can mean precious or fragile, since actual rolly polies are usually tiny and fragile compared to us humans which are giants that can annihilate the poor little bug.

              So in reality the word rolly poly should be taken as a compliment, and with that it should be embraced for what it beholds. A rolly poly is a sweet eupharism for cute and adorable which should give someone a sense of happiness. So overall a Rolly poly means more than wihat it seems.

blog #9

After reading the book, my perspective  on life has somewhat changed. I now view life in a more grateful perspective and appreciate little things like my ability to control my bodys movements and how much I really do care about those around me.

blog #7

In the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseni the author emphasizes that two people should always stay close and remain loyal to each other, no matter the circumstances. He urges this especially to families  becuase life can flip in an instance.I personally agree with Hosseni because without family and friends we may have no support to back us up.

Please Note, I was a little confused and didnt really comprehend this prompt.

blog #6

Loneliness is often given a  negative reputation. But in the story "The Box Man", loneliness makes the box man feel content with himself. The same goes for certain emotions like anger. But in some aspects anger is actually a positive emotion. Whilst a person may seem angry it actually helps them release their inner emotions by preoccupying themselves, which is psychologically healthy. For instance, if I become extremely upset with something or someone, it tempts me to distract myself with doing anything related to the reason of why I am upset. Usually running lets me expres my anger, I visit the park and run at least a mile when I stop and ponder over at the time, my mile time ends up improving and all the anger inside me is then released. So in reality anger is actually a good emotion, which helps us concentrate and improve.

Friday, September 3, 2010

blog #5

Why does the box men so content with his choice of solitude yet the two women are depresssed ith their foced solitude?  The box man feel scontent with his choice of solitude  because he knows that being llonely makes himself. There is no one to judge him for who or what he is, and that makes him content and free to do with whatever he feels like doing.The women however are fortced into solitude because society rejects them for their old age and uselessness. They have no purpose in society, they have been used up and thrown back out into the world with a negative perspective and no one to fall back on, forcing them into solidity. Yet they have no desire to connect or communicate with others, fearing they will be rejected the same ay as they were befoe unlike the boxman who doesnt want any association because thats what makes him complete.

Blog #4

A teen and an adult are similiar yet different. A teen tries to enjoy life without worrying about work and money, but they worry about school and they choose to have fun because of their limited responsiblities. An adult on the otherhand has many responsibilities that affect their life including family.That adult has no time to have fun but yet when they have spare time they choose not to have fun but rest their tired selves.

blog #3

During my summer break I decided to read The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosnei, it was an addictive piece of work. The story involves a young boy named Amir who is best friends with his servants son Hassan in post Taliban Afghanistan. Hassan and Amir are constantly teased by a youg boy named Assef who hates Hassan for being a Hazzara and Amir for befriending him. During his childhood, Amir desperately tries to gain his fathers love and acceptance knowing that his father does not accept his childs behavior.Amir also loves to write, because it brings him closer to his dead mother. Hassan and Amir enjoy many activities together mainly flying kites, yearly they compete in a kite running contest. In the winter of the late 1970s the contest once again reappear. As The contes goes on and the boys are in first place the kite goes along the boundries, Hassan goes after the kite in hopes of retriving it. On the way he confronts Assef and his gang where they then rape him. Amir goes off to try and find Hassan and catches Assef in the act, shocked Amir hides while watching until they finally finish. Hassan and Amir then meet up again and they leave the alley. After the incident Amir notices Hassans weird behavior. Amir becomes guilty because he did not do anything to stop Hassan from being raped. Fee up, Amir plants money under Alis' bed and tells his father.Baba begs Ali not to go but he refuses Ali confronts Amirs dad about the money and decides to quit working for Baba. It would be the final time Amir would ever see Ali and Hassan. Over the years Amir and Baba manage to flee Afghanistan because of the revolution. They settle in fremont where Amir goes to and graduates high school and college. Baba and Amir get jobs in a local flea market. Babas health soon begins to decline and they find he has ubtreatable cancer. Amir then meets Soraya, another Afghan girl whom he takes a liking to.Amir asks for Sorayas hand in marriage, while they talk Soraya mentions that she had once ran away from home and tells Amir she does not want any secrets between the two bringing up old feelings about the incident with Hassan. They then get married, after months of marriage Baba dies. Amir struggles at first to overcome his grief. After years of being away from Afghanistan, Amir receives a call from babas old friend Rahim Khan in Pakistan urging him to come quickly. He informs him about his own sickness and that Hassan had a family and all are dead but his son Sohrab and that he is in an orphanage. Amir then agrees to find  and bring Hassans son to Pakistan so that he may be put in an orphange that will benefit him. He does it as a favor to Hassan. So he sets off to find  Sohrab in Afghanistan. Amir searches all over the Afghani orphanages until he discovers that Sohrab as sold to a Taliban member. Amir then finds Sohrab at a soccer match, where he discovers his old enemy Assef the boy who raped Hassan. Assef then confronts Amir about the past and demands payback. After he begins to attack Amir breaking ribs, punching teeth out, etc. Sohrab is then rescued and taken by Amir and his friend a taxi driver. Amir is rushed to a hospital, after a week or two amir desperately attempt to connect with sohrab but sohrab is unwilling to respond. After a while Amir checks himself out of the hospital, he and Sohrab begin their journey to pakistan Amir finds out that he must take Sohrab to America after Rahim Khan tells himn that there really wasnt an orphanage that would take Sohrab After Amir makes a  visit to the embassy, where they tell him bringing Sohrab to America is nealy impossible. Amir, heartbroken informs sohrab that he must stay in an orphanage for a while until Amir can bring him back. Sohrab refuses to go and becomes upset. They decide to take a rest at a nearby hotel, where sohrab attempts suicide yet survives. Beforethe attempt, Amir discover he actually can take sohrab home to America with him. AS Sohrab heals, Amir informs him of the discover and that  once he recovers they can leave. After Sohrab heals they head off to America where Amirs wife begins to set up a room for him. Sohrab becomes depressed in America and refuses to talk. In hopes of cheering him up Amir takes him to a kite running contest but yet it has little effect on sohrab thus ending the book.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Blog #2

I dont really read books in this genre but I am interested in getting into this genre.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Blog #1

Hey my name is Jamela Isbeih and I`m 16 years old. I am also Muslim if most of you have not already seen me in my hijab at school. I`m a very down to earth, nice person and I love to meet new people.