Monday, February 21, 2011

2nd Semester Blog #1

        In the book, "The Sun Also Rises" by Ernest Hemingway, Pedro Romero, a young bull fighter is given Godlike qualities in the eyes of both Jake and Brett. Brett sees him as some heroic man who risks himself  in a daring challenge against bulls. Yet Jake perceives him as a hero whom he envies. He envies Romero because Romero has the ability to "act" with Brett and yet he can't, Romro has fame, which Jake doesnt, and Romeros youthful qualities. Romero almost has the idealic life that Jake desires yet  cannot live due to everything that blocks his way, Brett, his missing piece, etc. But towards the end, after Brett realizes that she cannot be the woman that Romero wants her to be and that she would rather live the party lifestyle with alcohol and sex, Jake and Brett discover that they're own love is inevitable and impossible. In addition Romero does not display the practical qualities that we find in our modern day heros such as Super Man, Spider Man, Wonder Woman, etc. Plenty of reasons surround this, the obvious being Romero is a regular person (that unlike these superheros) stays himself and doesnt change into some sort of animal or  flying man, he also is much younger than all of our modern heroes yet is successful and has a stable lifestyle, another reason why Romero doesnt fit into the category of Superheroism is  that he also doesnt have just one main enemy where Batman has the Joker or how Spiderman has the Green Goblin, Romero is hated by Robert Cohn, the man who traveled with Brett to San Sebastion and continued to stalk her throughout the trip to Spain. And it became so heated that Cohn actually followed Brett and Romero to  the bedroom and attacked Romero. In addition to this Romero possesses many qualities similiar to our modern day superheroes. One reason being, Romero fights bulls to help him impress Brett, for example when Romero cuts off the bulls ear and gives it to Brett as a gift, similiar to how Superman tries to woo Lois Lane and how Spiderman attempts to impress Mary Jane. Also Romero for the most part gets along with most in "The Sun Also Rises" but Cohn and is secretly envied by Jake. Similiar to How Batman, Superman, and Spiderman are all adored and worshipped by the townspeople. In contrast, Pedro Romero is known to all as Pedro Romero, the bull fighter, but Superman is known as Superman the hero, not Clark Kent. Pedro Romero shows no double or secret life that we classify our heroes as having . Pedro Romero contrasts or proves indifferent to our perception on how a superhero must, live,act, and save our cities. Yet Pedro Romero gives superheroes a different name. He proves that superheroes need no special powers or lives no secret double life, or has no other alias. Yet he does show the typical cvharacteristics of any human. He wants to impress his woman (even though he desires to controll her and make him the woman that society desires), he wants love and will fight and do anything for it, and yes he does have an occasional quarrel or two with anything, whether it be Robert Cohn or a Bull, but thats just life our natural and internal instincts. Pedro Romero may not be a hero like the ones we see on tv, but in the eyes of Jake and Brett, he really does possess the qualities of a superhero, even if he may be younger, or may have the "piece" to satisfy any woman, but yet in the eyes of Jake and Brett, he is a better human being than themselves that they either want to be romantically involved with or want to be. But yet in the end, Pedro Romero symbolizes a different kind of hero, one who risks himself at the cost of others and just wants to be loved and live like another person.

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